Aaandd We're Back!
09 June 2012
I was forced to take a brief hiatus from keeping the blog up to date once spring quarter hit at school due to the workload. As I have mentioned in the past, school takes precedence over writing for The Philosophy of Nate as it should, so posting will be irregular. Despite the blog’s constipation lately, some work has been going on behind the scenes just as slowly to get everything in working order across the website, and plans are in order to actually get some things on it.
Now that spring quarter is over, posting will be much more regular, time permitting. There are already some posts lined up for the near future, so stay tuned. If you’ve stuck around to put up with the weird posting schedule of The Philosophy of Nate, you won’t be disappointed; your usual stream of content will be coming your way. If you’re new, welcome! Stick around, it’s worth it!
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